Remeber I use to be a fat kid too…


Being the fat kid was not easy…

Although I led people to believe that I was cool with the mocking and fat jokes, I just rolled with the punches…

I just rolled with the laughter.

I decided to make jokes to humor people to distract them from reality.

I hid behind the laughs to mask the true feelings of hurt I had…

I loved my friends and still love them to death but

I never let them see me bleed.

I never let anyone really see me shed the tears and the blood of self induced pain.

I don’t want you to feel sorry for me here…

I’m just trying to tell my story…

The life of the laughing fat kid that cared.

Perfection! Why are we so tied up on looking perfect. Are the people that you believe are images of perfection, really perfect?

4 responses

  1. Once again, well said. You will never be happy, if you worry about others opinions of yourself. You have to love yourself and believe in yourself and everything else will work itself out.

    October 13, 2010 at 4:35 pm

  2. Romeo E

    Deep stuff Pete. Really touching. I too can say I know how that felt like being the fat kid from my group of friends. Especially since all my friends, brother and cousins were in great shape. Its tough being the fat kid. This is why I want to become a trainer one day to help those who are going through what I did. Keep doing your thing man. Although I never got to train at Krank, I am still fully inspired from you and your krank system.

    October 13, 2010 at 4:35 pm

    • Romeo
      I here ya man. helping people is one of the best feelings ever. It fullfilling and whether they know it or not they help me at the same time. thank you for following and keeping up with the blog. spread the word and STAY STRONG! are you TOUGHMUDDERING?

      October 19, 2010 at 2:06 am

  3. Chris Rossomando


    October 13, 2010 at 5:21 pm

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