Remeber I use to be a fat kid too…

Author Archive

I hate my body

I look in the mirror and always want to see the bantam weight champion. Although I was 140-145 pounds I was chiseled and perfect. I look in the mirro eveyday and hate that I dint look like that.
Itsemtal tough and drainingto deal with that image all the time. Hour after hour… Day after day.

Insomnia or successfull patterns?

Not sure why I am up right now.
I only had about 2-3 hours of sleep the night before and now I am still up working on things.
I have been awake since 2:30 AM yesterday and reaching that point after being at KRANK since 4:15 AM yesterday morning.
I am just stoked for some upcoming things and events that I can’t rest.
This is the last lap and I have to finish this…
I feel like the night before a wrestling match and all you do is toss and turn and think of what tomorrow had to bring.
I am so grateful everyday that i can wake up and say that…mainly because I wake up.
Most people want to sleep, I want to get up and LIVE.
There is no LIVING in bed.
The bed is where no goals are accomplished.
the bed is where the weak stay and ponder what to do next.
While i make the next thing happen.
Bed is for people that wish the hit the “POWERBALL”
Awake is where I make the lotto come to me.
So in short.
Get up Like you mean it.
Because an hour wasted in bed may be the hour of the biggest in your life opportunity missed.
Be well people

ps. Check out

New workout blog

Shoulda, coulda, woulda?…

I’m sitting jn my holistic doctors office and I got a message from one of my wrestlers.
He just told me that he wishes he can start highschool over again…he would do things different.
I say nay to that one.
Highschool my have been tough and shitty at times but it’s only 4 years of your” forever” life.
I’m sure there are people that have horrible experiences and horrific tales in their highschool years but you hAve to remember that there is more to life than freshman to senior year.
Life goes on. …. So Live on.
I told him that he wouldn’t be the awesome person he is today if things went differently.
Maybe I never woulda met him because of the path he might have chosen.
No regrets.
There were shitty moments for me as well but not one minute would I change anything.
I may wonder what it woulda been like but if you think long And hard you’d see some great memories would be no memory because you may have chosen a different path.
Just remember the worst words to have in your vocabulary are: shoulda coulda woulda….
Just do it and go after it.
never have a dream start off with any of those words.
I love you all and e joy the weekend.
Pete sitting in a rocking chair.

SUCCESS is not a goal, IT IS A LIFESTYLE! Jay Isip (via The Existing World of Non-Existence.)

Would love to share this one with you all. Get on it

SUCCESS is not a goal, IT IS A LIFESTYLE! Jay Isip SUCCESS is from within, not from without… SUCCESS is the thought of win, not the thought of doubt… SUCCESS is blood sweat and tears, not to flood in sweat of  fears… SUCCESS is proceeding in your path, not decreasing in your past… SUCCESS is overcoming what you thought, not becoming what was sought… SUCCESS is pushing past your limit and making it rough, not at the limit and settle for good enough… SUCCESS is trying even when you fail … Read More

via The Existing World of Non-Existence.

Always successful….

I’m sick with the flu so not really in to typing.
But I have been reading this over and over…
Enjoy the day!
Always successful

In each and every moment, you are successful at doing
something. You take action, and that action successfully
brings a result.

Success is not really something you must strive to create,
for you are always making it happen. What’s important is
defining and intending the success you do create so that it
is a positive force in your world.

Many people are successful at just barely getting by. Others
are successful at bringing pain and dismay into their lives.

Yet the very same skills that succeed at creating mediocrity
and despair, can also be used to create rich fulfillment.
What’s needed is not so much a change in effort as a change
in focus.

You truly deserve a great and wonderful life, and you have
everything necessary to experience that life. Keep your
thoughts focused on your most meaningful desires, and your
actions will align with those thoughts.

You’re always succeeding at something. Choose now to make it
something great.

Inspiration to an old sport…

Amazment is where I am right now.
I can’t fathom how many time these people have failed and failed agian and agian
and broken bones egos and souls
day by day they grind thestreets grass wood e
everything to one day showcase a series of tricks, movements, dardevilism.
This sport always had a place in my heart and always loved the art, the science, the craft.

Here you have to fail fail fail in order to hit that one trick.

The bumps, bruises and broken bones don’t even compare to the feeling of euphoria when you finally hit that trick you’ve been working on.

Thank Boss K for the vid clip

Two words that change lives

I’ve had this talk with one of the Kranksters and the brotha called me upand just said “thank you”
“thank you”:  two of the simplest words that can go a long way.
The simple words that changed the mood I was in and let
me know that my purpose in life was real.
It’s not about the dollar or the fame that I’m in this line of career for .
It’s about the countless “thank yous”   that let you know u affected them in a good way.
Had anyone ever said thank you and you just ignored it?


Or times that someone said thank you after you took the time to hold the door for them?
It felt good right?
So why don’t you reach out to someone today and say thank you.
Thank you for being a friend
Thank you for caring about me
Thank you for loving me
So on thus note I want to say

thank you, thank you, thanks to all of you for taking your time to follow me around and listen to what i have to talk about.
Be easy…
Pete isip

Not that fancy….just hard!

Whats up everyone hope you are enjoying the weekend.
Down day and about to train the wrestlers at noon.
Here’s a little clip for you all that I enjoy watching and I’ll tell you why this week.
Be easy sleezy!

Are you upset?

Are you mad most of the time?

Sometimes there is an extreme feeling of being alone. Sometime you just don’t feel like yourself and its been over a month.

Well may you are depressed. Maybe something is going on in that brain that you can’t control.

I mean you put yourself there because of some tramatic event or just consistent negative thoughts. But you are there and

its time for you to get outta there…

Say a prayer for me…

Guest post from Jay Isip:
“Say a Prayer for me”

Say a Prayer For Me….

I have been given the gift of life therefore I shall live. I have been given the the gift of strength therefore I shall be strong.

My heart pumps blood through my veins allowing my brain to function, therefore I will function to the best of my ability.

Every single breath I breathe,every single blink of my eye,every single step I will take will be better than the last.

I am here to be the best person I can possibly be and will demolish any obstacle man has put in front of me.

Dare step in the way of my future accomplishments and you shall be punished by the power I produce.


-Jay Isip-

Rainy days… or GO!

It’s rainy and the day couldn’t be any better
I never let the weather decide how my day is gonna go
I use to blame my november sadness on Seasonal depression
When it was just me already prepping for it
I use to expect to be in a crappy mood and hibernate until December .
My birthday falls on November 17 and I never really celebrated because ….


Here you go all.
I’m really in a ranting mood and got a little fed up with some comments that are not brain science.

I yell bc i’m passionate…and i don’t take back anything i say…
Stay focused on the prize!

A day to grab…

So I’ve been sitting here trying to get my AM workout on.
Just like yourself there are days that you want to jump into a workout and then there are days you just want to lay back.
Today I’m digging for that fire.
Now let’s think about this…
“I’m trying to dig for that fire…”
Really I should shoot myself right now but You and I know
that there is no digging…
there is no searching…
There is no hidden inspiration…
This is more of a blog for myself to show what a p##sy I am acting like today.
Just as Elliot Hulse talks about is to
“Shut it off and don’t think”
Just do!
And that what we have to do sometimes everyone
Shut it off and don’t think..Just ACT!
I’m sitting here trying to pullup vids and writing that are going to pump me up…
get that adrenaline rush..
When I can just go out this office door and grab the iron.
And that what I’m going to do…
Go out there and grab it.
Use that with everything thing you do..
develop the attitude to be able to GO OUT AND GET IT

Develop a swagger

Go out there and grab what you want…
fail or not there are no regrets.
Enjoy the day and enjoy this vid bc I’m def gonna talk about this one.
BE well and time for some kettlebell action.


Man this MAC is killing me hahahaah
I’m just gonna type for now…
The vlog I taped I talk about the trip up to Elmira, NY to Jim “Smitty” Smith’s spot of Diesel Crew (check em out on GREAT SITE and GREAT Content!
So we did a conditioning finisher called the “Widow Maker” and let’s say that it ends…thats right ENDS off with a 500 pound prowler push.

I can taste my blue Gatorade again.
But I remember during the push I was on the 4th continuous set and thinking I was finished.
And that 4th set I put my all into, i had nothing left. I was dizzy and cold.
Then someone was like you got one more push.
I was astonished.
“Whaaaat?!!” I muttered without vomiting yet.
And then looked up and had 5 x45 pound plates on each side equaling about 500 pounds on carpet.
in my head I lost….
But then I heard “Its all HEART from here”
And I started to push…
To be honest I didn’t believe I was going to make it….
But that extra muscle…
That extra blood..
that extra HEART fueled me up.
I was moving that shit pretty slow but I crossed the finish line.

With that being said I realized that HEART will get you past many obstacles.
You have to have heart..
you must have drive…
you have to want it soooo bad you’ll do anything and have the HEART not to quit and keep trucking.
i convinced myself I was done and then was mentally broken when I heard one more set.
You have to regroup your thoughts and collect all the blood and force and energy you have from that one fist size organ in your chest….
Deep down into the core of your gut…
deep down passed the negative thoughts of ” I CAN’T”
And say

-Big ups to Smitty and his diesel crew out there from reminding me that weight is just an object and that my mindset can overcome any obstacle.
Be easy
Pete Isip

Sometimes we don’t choose the path…

Tomorrow will be a vid comp is finally running here you go for tonight

(BTW didnt go out, just relaxed and watched Rudy)

Don’t let “them” get the best of you.
There are going to be times where all your hard work is going to get un-noticed.
But should you walk away with the feeling of unfullfillment?
Should you quit?
If you look at what you accomplished during the time of all that hard work. The people you met, the mistakes you made the smaller goals you hit every week.
Sometimes just because the decision made was not the one YOU wanted, you have to look at the good in the bad.
I know its hard to believe it at the moment of hate but there is always a silver underlining.
And sometimes its those things that make you who you are today.
I was in a relationship for 5 years, very happy and comfortable…
and then came
“I don’t love you anymore…”
and in one instance one second, one moment, it changed.
from me being in the best mood, best life, loving it all…
to a confused,miserable, LOST!
sad human being that used alcohol as his gateway out.
But till this day I will never regret the things that have happened to me but there was a purpose for those events in the past to happen in my life.
Theres a reason I was put through heart ache and pain…
I felt lost but realized that those events, good or bad,
made me who I am
Pete F’ing Isip and no can ever change that!
AndI’ll never regret a thing…

Black friday

So I’m in line at office depot on black Friday right now writing to you all.
Okay first off people are nuts and second off I was wrong about America.
They are selectively lazy!
Because to have this many people out to get a deal cmon!
Now why can’t you put this effort into other goals?
Fitness, monetary, competition…
If these craziees can wake up get outTa bed and make something happen to save a buck…
There is no difference in the efforts to change your life.
They are just misdirected.
Focus and direct this energy towards life And personal goals.
This fucking guy just pushed me…
Ohhh well little rant there…
These People definitely didn’t drink hard, went to bed early, and got up to go get it!
And I admire that push for this day.

But imagine if they applied this effort to something that would benefit them and make it consistent.
Man this world would be as crazy as this store with people getting what they want.
It’s all about consistent effort everyday to get what you want.
Just wanted to share this thought today.
I’m eating turkey with eggs for breakfast.
Finally outta line….
End point:


Kill the day!

You are what you hangout with…

Today is Wednesday and always read what my friend Chad has to say or post. I really enjoyed this one today and want to share it with you all. It really works well with what we have been talking about this past week.
check it out

I hope you all have a great and healthy KRANKS-GIVING!!!!!

Wednesdays with Chad
How Your Friends Impact Your Life

What would you say if I told you that your friends, your friend’s friends and your friend’s friend’s friends could impact how healthy you are? What about how successful you are? What about how happy you are?

Sounds ridiculous right? How could your friend’s friend’s friends negatively impact your life? Someone you don’t even know could right now be negatively impacting how successful or healthy or happy you are? Yeah, that does sounds foolish.

Well, it may not be so ridiculous after all. Dr. Nicholas Christakis has been studying health and social networks for years. Through his research he has discovered that if your friends are, for instance, overweight you are 45% more likely to be overweight. And if your friend’s friends are overweight you are 25% more likely to be overweight. And lastly, if your friend’s friend’s friends are overweight you are still 10% more likely to be overweight. It is not until you are four degrees separated in your social network that the people in your social network no longer have a direct effect on you. That is a pretty profound piece of information. One that you should consider not just in passing.

What you should be doing is evaluating your social network. How does it look? How many of your friends are healthy, successful and happy? How about your friend’s friends? How about your friend’s friend’s friends? I’ve talked about it before in previous posts about how the 5 people you spend the most time with will have the largest impact on your life. That probably still holds true but now you have to look a little further when choosing what social networks to belong to. Or, more importantly, who you let into your social network.

Recognize that not only do these people have this effect on you but you also have this effect on them. This does not mean that you can blame any misfortune you have on your friends or others in your social network. What this does mean is that you have a responsibility to yourself and to those in your social network to be the best you can be, so not only do you have a better life but those who are closest to you also reap those benefits. Ultimately, you will all prosper together.

Dr. Christakis brings up an interesting difference between American and European ways of thinking. When this study first came out headlines in American papers read something to the effect of, “Are you packing it on? Blame your fat friends!” whereas the headlines in Europe read, “Are your friends gaining weight? Perhaps you are to blame!”

Pretty interesting difference in thought process. I think its really a two way street and both statements have valid arguments. But do you really want to be one of those people who blames their misfortunes on others? If you do, stop it. Don’t adopt the American thought process. Adopt the European thought process. Be responsible. Make sure you are doing your best. But don’t feel bad that you also expect the best from your friends. Don’t be afraid to take steps to cut away the fat from your social network. After all, it could make the difference in your level of success, health and happiness.

If you’re interested in watching the full video it is below and will take an investment of 18 minutes of your time.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Do you follow this map?

Whats up everyone?
Today I’m going to be writing my goals down AGAIN.
I do this once a month for my 5 year and 10 year goals.
everyday I have my daily goals mapped out on my piece of paper.
And that’s the “secret”…make a workout program out of your life.
Track your progress vs your loss.
What time spent was beneficial and what was a waste?
i.e., waste: me stalking people on Facebook …hahaaha
Whats are you going to accomplish today? tomorrow? next week?
When do you want to finish it?
MAP OUT THE ULTIMATE PLAN and I’ll guarantee you will see the finish line.
Here’s a little vid I made a couple of months ago. But it’s that time again.
Goal time!

Thanks and be well. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button on this blog or YouTube and “like” them if you do.

Its all in how you look at it…

My bro and I always have a talk in the morning and this is what we talked about today.
Its all in about how you think.
Spread the word…comment and like
Thank you so much for following.

Till the end

Hey everyone
Just returning from Elmira ny and training with Smitty from Diesel Crew and his men. It was a great and honorable experience.
Hitting a little conditioning medley at the end called the “widow maker”(FUCK!).
Awesome but a fight to the end with every last step. It lasted about 10 mins and the loads got up to close to 500 pounds in the prowler.
End point… it broke me.
I vomited….Twice.
But in the time of pushing I wanted to quit and it seemed like I couldn’t move anymore.
There is one thing I will never do and that’s give up.

Even if it takes me forever I’m going to truck through little steps at a time.

Am I proud if my performance?

Negatory but still did work. Weighing only 165-170 that load gets heavy. No excuses I could do better.
And that right there is why we have to do things that make is uncomfortable. And don’t quit at things.

It makes us realize how much more we need to push or how much harder we need to work.
Being uncomfortable will help you progress as a person and will develop character.
Stepping outta your comfort zone id where we learn new things about ourselves that we may not have known.
Breaking outta the routine is only going to make you stronger.
Do today do something that you’ve been afraid to do.
Something you are terrified to do.
Ask someone who you’ve been dying ti ask out.
And don’t worry about the end result.
It may be great it may be shitty.
But by practicing the method stepping outta the comfort zone will become easier and easier.
And that’s progress on its own.
Kill the day everyone!!!

This what it felt like and want to thank the NY warriors for their support! Was a pleasure to sweat, grunt and achieve with you boys.

100% YOU

I have a dream and this dream told me this:
You are 100 % responsible for your life and what happens in it.
ITS YOU! Not your friends fault, bosses fault, parents fault, anyones fault, ITS YOU!
No one makes decisions for you only you do and to be honest..
No one really cares that much about you.
The one that should care the most, is the person reading this blog post.
We can blame people alllll day for the things that we didn’t get or the things we didn’t achieve.
But we have to learn to point the finger to ourselves.
If you don’t take responsiblity for your actions or you future.
No one is going to help you out that much.
In the end its all about you.
Responsiblity is the main fundamental of success.
Without self-discipline there are no goals.
I have the word discipline tattooed on my right arm because its the most important thing you need in life.
You need the discipline to hold on to plans and keep you on track of the road of your goals.
When you stop blaming other people and situations for “YOUR” unhappiness that you can finally move forward.
So pretty much everyone the goal of today is to stop thinking negatively about who did what and who did that to you.
Because your life is not about them, its about YOU.
If you want to lose weight then you make that choice and hold on to it.
If you want to make 1000000dollars then you make that choice and do all the work you have to do to get there.
if you want to be the boss of your company then you work till you bleed to get there.
if you want that state championship then you drill till you bleed, and get in the best possible shape you can…
Take 100% RESPONSIBLITY for what happens in it.
Enjoy the day!
Time to go kill it!

Guest Blog post:A little word from Jay Isip

You have reached Jay..Jaaaayy Isip!
Posted in Words of a broken voice box.

What up people, My name is Jerome Joseph Isip, “Jay Isip”. Born April 25th 1982 and raised out of Belleville NJ, and currently living in Belmar/Belleville NJ. But I’m back and forth. You know there are more things to life than just “as is”. Many of us live in a world of clockwork. We wake up, eat ,work, sh!t, sleep, rinse and repeat. Everyday we think about the things we “could have done” or “what I should of done differently”.Everyday we live life looking back at what our lives would be like now if we have done something differently. Everyday we think of what we should do next and can not come up with a decision. Everyday we live in the past, and proceed with our day because that is “what we are supposed to do”. Everyday we brainwash ourselves with that “it’s too late”. Everyday we punish ourselves saying we were not good enough, or we don’t fit the part. Everyday we drink and eat our sorrows away, and try to figure our out- what to do with our life, even if you are so called “accomplished”. Life is much more than goals for a Job with benefits, a nice house and car, getting married, money, etc…


We have these so called “goals” set in our life because that’s what is labeled in our society of today. Everything is a damn label. These “labels” hold many of us back from doing what our heart tells us to. Just because it’s ok and the correct thing to do doesn’t mean it’s correct with you. Once in a while you have to sit back and really see a clear picture of yourself instead of looking at the picture someone else had created. It’s not about them, and proving it to other people, and showing other people who you became and what you are doing with your life. By the end of the day no one gives a sh!t. So don’t do it for them, or your dead siblings, or your coach, or your teacher. DO IT FOR YOUR F@#ING SELF!

When your on top of the world and everyone’s cheering your name, they all want to be your friend, your buddy, your pal. But when you hit rock bottom everyone who was screaming your name with pride, are now whispering your name at faults. All of a sudden they don’t know you, they don’t want your name and their name in the same sentence. WHY? Because everyone in this f@$ing bubble gummed, plastic, materialistic world of ours cares way too much about “The Crowd”. Everyone cares about what everyone else thinks. We wear nice clothes because superstars tell us to, we purchase luxurious item because of some article in a magazine, we eat at expensive restaurants because a celebrity recommenced it, or we go on a diet because Oprah said so. WHAT THE F$@K IS WRONG WITH YOU!? Today in our world many of us can not make up our own mind unless we have some type of reference. And it’s sad.

I’m writing this cause I want people to know that there is more to life than “as-is”. Certain goals that are labeled correct for “the people” may not be in your agenda. Certain goals should not be accomplished due to the fact that “someone else” thinks that’s what we should do. Certain goals should not get done because it written down as “what we should do”. Decision making is the utmost hardest and important thing to do in our life. Don’t let someone else control your decisions. Make your own.

To me Life isn’t about money,great job with benifits, nice houses, and nice cars, and getting married. My goals are set differently than everyone elses, just as everyone elses’ goals should be different than mine. Everyone’s goal I’m sure is to have a nice house, and make a lot of money so on and so forth. CRAP! Those are all labels. And they mean nothing if you are not happy.

When we were younger we had one thing in mind, “having fun, play, excitement etc.” Do you remember those days? As we evolved our thoughts and goals have changed. We learn more. Gain more knowledge about the world and life. But somewhere in that time of growing up we lose what we are about from the beginning. Having fun, playing,and excitement. Our goals should not be determined towards some “label”. Our goal should be determined towards one thing. The goal that were set in our minds as children. The goal that no one can label. The goal that a million dollars can not buy. “Happiness”. Jay Isip.

This exercise works….

Just had a killer 2 classes at 5AM (the dedicated) and the 6 AM (same dedication)..They did work and had some new heads join the family..
Wanted to let everyone know that I am grateful.
Being grateful is empowering.
What are you grateful
I’m just ranting and listing off what I am grateful for…
Why don’t you try it out…
I felt amazing right after…
Its all about the little things that you are grateful for..
after doing this exercise I wanted to take on the world.
If its fake then it not worth it.
You have to get uncomfortable and F’ everyoe else right now
and appreciate everything you are happy with..
It s all about the little things and we ahve to remember that…
Time for me to kill it and have a awesome goal accomplishing day.

Humans can do anything…

Amazing what the power of numbers can accomplish.
In Spain they have this annually human building competition.
This people is awesome and crazy all at once.
Who wants in?