Remeber I use to be a fat kid too…

Posts tagged “master your goals

Do you follow this map?

Whats up everyone?
Today I’m going to be writing my goals down AGAIN.
I do this once a month for my 5 year and 10 year goals.
everyday I have my daily goals mapped out on my piece of paper.
And that’s the “secret”…make a workout program out of your life.
Track your progress vs your loss.
What time spent was beneficial and what was a waste?
i.e., waste: me stalking people on Facebook …hahaaha
Whats are you going to accomplish today? tomorrow? next week?
When do you want to finish it?
MAP OUT THE ULTIMATE PLAN and I’ll guarantee you will see the finish line.
Here’s a little vid I made a couple of months ago. But it’s that time again.
Goal time!

Thanks and be well. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button on this blog or YouTube and “like” them if you do.