Remeber I use to be a fat kid too…

Till the end

Hey everyone
Just returning from Elmira ny and training with Smitty from Diesel Crew and his men. It was a great and honorable experience.
Hitting a little conditioning medley at the end called the “widow maker”(FUCK!).
Awesome but a fight to the end with every last step. It lasted about 10 mins and the loads got up to close to 500 pounds in the prowler.
End point… it broke me.
I vomited….Twice.
But in the time of pushing I wanted to quit and it seemed like I couldn’t move anymore.
There is one thing I will never do and that’s give up.

Even if it takes me forever I’m going to truck through little steps at a time.

Am I proud if my performance?

Negatory but still did work. Weighing only 165-170 that load gets heavy. No excuses I could do better.
And that right there is why we have to do things that make is uncomfortable. And don’t quit at things.

It makes us realize how much more we need to push or how much harder we need to work.
Being uncomfortable will help you progress as a person and will develop character.
Stepping outta your comfort zone id where we learn new things about ourselves that we may not have known.
Breaking outta the routine is only going to make you stronger.
Do today do something that you’ve been afraid to do.
Something you are terrified to do.
Ask someone who you’ve been dying ti ask out.
And don’t worry about the end result.
It may be great it may be shitty.
But by practicing the method stepping outta the comfort zone will become easier and easier.
And that’s progress on its own.
Kill the day everyone!!!

This what it felt like and want to thank the NY warriors for their support! Was a pleasure to sweat, grunt and achieve with you boys.

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