Remeber I use to be a fat kid too…



I’ve been trying to load my vlog for the day but for some reason its not working.
Not slacking at all.
So I’ll post what I’ve been listening to all day.
This will make my blood move.
I love it

“The wrong side of the bed”

“Believe and your belief will CREATE the fact.”
The way you think can change the way you ARE.
People, day by day tell me.
“Ahhhh its just one of those days!”
“You know when you just get up on the wrong side of the bed.”
“You know, just one of those days the doesn’t go your way.”
Nooo…and bullshit!
One of what days? The one where you are ALIVE and able to tell someone about your shitty day?
What bed? Who decides where the wrong side is?
Is the left side full of naked women and 100 dollar bills and the right side is fire pits and dog shit? ( you get my point)
If you wake up and automatically think that way then your day is going to continue to be just the same.
It’s not in the stars or GOD wants you to have the shittiest day of your life.
It’s because you want to be there.
YOU WANT TO FEEL SORRY for yourself and want others to SYMPATHIZE.
I remember when I was dealing with depressions and bi-polar, I use to think so negatively soooo much that I thought of no other way.
That was the only way I thought..
I had No confidence
No self esteem
No will to live.
I was fed up.
So don’t tell me that I don’t know what its like and he doesn’t know what it feels like to have one of “those days”
When I have that feeling like I don’t want to wake up…I FUCKING WAKE UP!
When I don’t feel like “myself today”…
I make myself feel like “MYSELF”
It’s all in the way you think and how you feel about yourself.
If you think you’re a piece of shit…
Well then…you’re a piece of shit.
If you want to be a million bucks, then believe you have it and walk around with that attitude.
Mindsets can take you far in life…
But if your mindset is shitty then it will take you to the place is belongs.
Down the fucking toilet with the rest of the shit.
Enjoy the day and stop thinking shitty.
Its not worth it because
We are Powerful Beyond Measure.

Print this bill out and post it on your desk, your note-book, your vision boards, and think of how you can get there.
Be well everyone

Chapter 12: I hated taking off my shirt

Hey everyone hope you are all enjoying the Sunday
Went out to the park today and talked about
Thoughts and fears about taking off my shirt in grade and highscool.

Be well
### Pete####

Ima Show you how great “I” am!!!…(incorrect)

I am grateful…
I am grateful for the souls and being in my gym
I am grateful for their work ethic and willingness to “Do work”
They motivate me just as much as I motivate them.
With out them, there would be no “Me”.
I am grateful everyday that I walk into my gym and see their faces ready for battle, ready to kill it, ready for the fight they call life.
I am grateful for the fire in their eyes ready to lift the next big thing or kill what lies ahead…
People ask why do you train that way?
Because this is what we are…
This is the life style we choose to have….
With that mentality, will follow the dreams we are going to accomplish together.
Because we are Kranksters…
We are Powerful Beyond Measure.
We never surrender.
“We’re” gonna show you how great we are”

Thanks to everyone that follows the blog. Big ups to my fellow Kranksters.

BELIEVE….(thats all)

So I went to see my boy’s New spot in Long Branch,NJ called REVERB.
if you’re in the area check it out son.
And then headed over to NYC to rekindle with an old stand up comedy friend.
And the discussion went a little like this….

The best around…

This move makes me jump outta my seat every time I see it.
Ever since I was a kid I loved this movie and how this song and montage made me feel.
The kid was a nobody in a new town and it was time for him to make some noise because he was tired of taking shit.
The gang of bullies kept rackin on him and beating the piss outta him.
Did he ever give up?
Did he want to at times?
Did he succeed at the end?
Fuck yeah Crane KICK bitches!!!
This thing you have to notice is his work ethic.
He worked with Miagi day and night just doing the simple things and working the basics.
It’s not about the complex shit out there it always comes down to the real shit, the base. the basics.
Believe in that man.
Take those words home and embed them into your brain.
You have to believe it though.
I remember when I didn’t believe in it and just shit on myself.
I got down and depressed in the process because I didn’t believe I was the best around.
I believed I was just another kid….
and that what we are not.
We all have the potential to be great…
to be the best…
to be powerful beyond measure.
But its all gotta start at one place and that’s in your heart.
You have to believe it so bad that it bleeds off your chest.
you have to believe “You ar the best” so bad that
no one will question it.
you have to believe it so bad
That you BELIEVE IT!
Don’t try to CONVINCE yourself everyday that you are…thats a waste
What you think about most of the time is what comes true.
You are the best around people…
I believe you are…SO why don’t you?

What are you scared of? Oh yeah your scared of the success it might bring.

Pete Isip

A poem that we all must adhere to….

As I moved through this life I love to push and push and push

and its hard for me to take time off and slow down.

All I want is success and a full filling life.

But how would life be so full filling is I don’t even see it.

We should take out of our week and set it for some family, friends, loved ones.

We need a “down day”. We need to recover just like when we workout.

We program a deload and our bodies and mind respond to it.

So whats the difference with writing and scheduling in deload days in a program and in life.


you need to have time away and just clear your head away from everyday life and appreciate the things and movements you have achieved.

I know we want to” kill it” and love to DO Work. But if you can’t appreciate the little things that are important to you,

you’re gonna see them pass.

Below is a poem I heard last night and made so much sense. Enjoy and Kill the Day!


Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly’s erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You’d better slow down.
Don’t dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won’t last.

Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask “How are you?”
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You’d better slow down
Don’t dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won’t last.

Ever told your child,
We’ll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say “Hi”?
You’d better slow down.
Don’t dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won’t last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift….
Thrown away.
Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.


I’ll see you all later on…….be well

***************Pete Isip*******************

I am not an X-man

Hey everyone
So yesterday I was contemplating whether or not to run in the Tough mudder runs. A lot of my brothers/sisters here at the KRANK family are racing so why not join?
Little history, I have a jacked up back due to improper weightlifting in my younger days and tons of running with shitty from. Suffer from chronic sciatica, degenerative disks, bulging disks etc..etc,
So is it stupid of me to workout?
Is it stupid of me to continue something/movements that cause me tons of pain and suffering?
I realized yesterday when I was laying on the ground helpless with radiating pain running from my left side back to my toes.
Shit man i haven’t felt that in a minute.
Sometimes you have to learn the hard way.
“If you stop you’re gonna be a fat shit…..” That’s all I hear when I push…

Still a Fav!

No matter what this always hits the spot

Awesome news: Should we do it here? What do you think?

Check it out people and tell me what you think?

Suicide? We all think about it?

What is self-worth?
Do we have it anymore?
My stories will be about a  fat childhood and how if affected me with self-esteem, food
addiction,etc. All with hiding behind laughter.
Wrestling and how it molded me but how the pressures of being perfect drove me
eating bingeing and purging.
Negative self-image, excessive compulsive disorders,
Depression medicines, bi polar, suicide attempts
What is perfection?
What I do know and how I relived.
Not quitting on myself but quitting things that drive my down.
Hanging with the right people
I was ways with different groups and could have chosen to hang with the wrong
ones… Even if all the girls were with them and the cool crowd.. I love them
all to death but if I chose that path I may not have been here in front of you
I’ve been around drugs and seen people overdose and die in front of me.
I have seen good friends die of drugs, guns, suicide, and I’ve only lived a 1/4 of my life.
It’s a shame to see people take their own lives
Though everyday for years, I have though about acting
I know everyone here always asks

“I wonder who’s gonna be at my funeral?”

“I wonder if people will show up”
“Who’s gonna cry”

“Who’s gonna miss me?”

Let’s not find out because grievance is a phase.
For weeks/months…. they will remember
But alive you’ll be here forever.

Live everyday and reach your potential.

Pete Isip- GFGI

Psychological effects….

Sorry guys I had the wrong vid up just before that was for later on.

This is about the story when I realized that I needed help. I suffered through depression, bi polar issues, prescribed tons of medication that made me  person I didn’t want to be.

Paxil, Lithium, prozac….etc etc…

not a fun time…

Girlfriend…Whats that?

Girls was always an issue with me because I never had the confidence in asking girls out
I never saw myself as handsome or good-looking
So I never had the guts to do anything that involved rejection
Spin the bottle
7 minutes in heaven
My first kiss? What was that..
My kisses usually involved a girl with I was half was intoxicated
Because at least by that point if I were rejected I could blame the XXX
It became a front and I just got use to being “the friend”
and by that time I didn’t have the experience that most guys did at that time
so i felt insecure about that
one insecurity lead to another and another and another…


Letting go

What’s up everyone
Just ran out to downtown Jersey city to hang near the water this morning.
I look at the New York city and Remember the dream I once had.
I wanted to be a killer stand up comic
and travel around the country.
During that time I was still training people and slowly fell in
Love more with helping people.
Regardless I still make people laugh, but now I also make them feel good about themselves.
So here’s a little vlog of letting go a once big dream to reach the bigger one.

Wake up to this!

I just wanted to share this video while I upload today vlog.
Thanks everyone and kill the moment!

This is what I’m talking about

This is what I’m talking about
this little girl has got it right.
Wake up and see how you feel and don’t worry what other people think about you.

What are you grateful for?

Do you really know what you are grateful for?
What drives you?
Ended up hearing a conversation while working and this came out.

If you like mine….why not try…

Talking about alife turned around…
I am proud to say this is my family, my blood, my brother…
He has been through the shit taht most people are scraed of walking but will talk about.
These are his stories, his blood, his tears…
Amazing literature will some deep, deep poetry.
Be well everyone…

Underage Drinking

Just talking about how being punished my entire senior year changed where I was going.
It’s rare to se anyone punished/grounded anymore.
I’m glad my parents stuck it to me and was hard on me.
It gave my tough skin and independence.
I learned a lot from it and kept me from hanging with the wrong crowd.
A little story of my coming home drunk A$$hole experience.
Also was a LITTLE upset listening to some mother talk about how she was “cool”.
Let’s get it right here people…

Thanks Pete Isip

Comment and subscribe

Is our country killing us?

I just came upon this killer blog about how our country is killing us.
As much as I love food and huge sizes and never ending braizlian BBQ.
This blog opens up my eyes with the statistics.
Crazy street man…check it out it will shock you.
Fuck we are a FAT country…

Thanks everyone

Pete Isip

The Social Netwrok

Whats up everyone!
I have to vlog about this movie
“The Social Network”
This movie was very inspirational and a great watch.
I would have never thought that kid did this much so we as a country would have the most addicting thing next to KRANK. 🙂
check it

Good enough for who?

Sometimes you look into the mirror and ask,
“Am I good enough?”
Am I strong enough?”
Am I…..?”
But now I ask….. based off what and enough for who?
I always felt that others perception of myself meant a lot, but realized that at the end of the day everyone is more concerned with themselves,  than to really worry about me. They all feel insecure.
Sometimes I look in the mirror and hate what I see.
I hate the way my love handles hang over a bit.
I hate the way “the bottom abs” seldom stick out.
I hate the way I am not big enough or just too big.
But when I look at myself with a clean, and focused mind
it’s the same body that took me years to mold.I look back to the Rocky 4 Movie and the expectations for even such a huge guy like Drago had.From his family, friends, and country.

That’s a lot of pressure for anyone to have on their shoulder. So I’m sure if he had that pressure, everyone out there has it too.

For years I’ve hated the way I looked because of the added pressure of family, friends, and sports.

I always just wanted to be perfect and not have anyone talk shit about me anymore.

It got to a point where I would look for anything to distract the public from my so-called “fatness”
I would where crazy clothes and weird shoes because I felt like I was being accepted by the public.
I mean I wasn’t an outcast. I had friends and family that cared about me.
But in my mind,  I was looked at as an outcast not accepted by the population.
I would never show it or discuss it, but I always wasnt good enough. Not fast enough, not good looking enough, not cool enough, not experience enoguh, not rich enough, not etc etc etc

But still I ask, “Good enough for who?”
I realize now that  you should be good enough for you and

…I should be good enough

You’re Never Alone

Hey everyone just to touch a bit on friday
Remember that you are not alone and I will always be there if you need someone to talk to.
I Got your back.
New “CLEAN” Website for kids on the rise

Chapter 6: Leaders

Hey there world
I went out to a captains practice open mat to the highschool I use to go to and just supervised a practice.
I really didn’t do much, but just wanted to let the kids know that I’m still around.
Ran some warm ups and tumbling movements ad then they drilled with my brother Jay Isip. (has a killer blog check him out)
Made me think about leadership and what it is….
Michael Jordan.Leader
Rex Ryan. Leader
They can lead without saying anything…
Check it